A very brief note to pop in and say that I’ve spent several weeks trying to expand my search for the oldest bars in the area. As it turns out (not too surprisingly, I suppose), Oakland, Wayne and Macomb counties have oodles of old places and plenty of great lore. And, as per usual, I refuse to hand the “oldest bar” title to one particular spot. I do know that there are a lot more former speakeasies out there that are dreamt of in my philosophy, and that I’m looking forward to a field trip or three once the weather clears up.
Here’s a link to the article just published in MetroMode Magazine: In search of metro Detroit’s oldest bars
Meanwhile, I’m prepping for Michigan Repeal Day this spring, and giving a talk on April 1st at Atwater In the Park for the Historical Memorial Society in Detroit. It will, of course, cover Prohibition-era speakeasies in detail, and will focus on my current efforts to suss out all the juicy details of the east side stories of Detroit during Prohibition.
Think Spring! See you at the bar.
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